
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/fe/Time.awareness entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The time interval during which the Cognizer is aware of the Content. Yet there is no evidence that Mr. Parrish was cognizant at the time of the signing of the notes that the clauses in issue were present.
xsd:string Peripheral 
xsd:string Time  Time 
xsd:string The time interval during which the Cognizer is aware of the Content. Yet there is no evidence that Mr. Parrish was cognizant at the time of the signing of the notes that the clauses in issue were present. 
The time interval during which the Cognizer is aware of the Content. Yet there is no evidence that Mr. Parrish was cognizant at the time of the signing of the notes that the clauses in issue were present. 
xsd:integer 8960 
xsd:dateTime 2005-08-23T12:30:42+02:00 

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