Topic entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

Some verbs in this frame allow a Topic to be expressed in about-PPs. Kim knows about first aid. However, a number of nouns and adjectives in this frame which cannot take about-phrases allow Topic to be expressed as an adjectival or adverbial modifier. Kim is politically aware. Environmental consciousness is increasing. @en
xsd:string Core  Core 
xsd:string Topic  Topic 
xsd:string Some verbs in this frame allow a Topic to be expressed in about-PPs. Kim knows about first aid. However, a number of nouns and adjectives in this frame which cannot take about-phrases allow Topic to be expressed as an adjectival or adverbial modifier. Kim is politically aware. Environmental consciousness is increasing.  
Some verbs in this frame allow a Topic to be expressed in about-PPs. Kim knows about first aid. However, a number of nouns and adjectives in this frame which cannot take about-phrases allow Topic to be expressed as an adjectival or adverbial modifier. Kim is politically aware. Environmental consciousness is increasing.  @en
xsd:integer 86 
xsd:dateTime 2001-02-07T13:11:52+01:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud

risorse connesse 1

risorse non online 0

risorse caricate 1

This FE identifies the Rate of change of the value. The balloon inflates about 2 cubic cm a minute. @en

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