Topic entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

Some verbs in this frame may occur with postverbal Topic expressions: They found out about us! More generally verbs in this frame may occur with quantificational nouns followed by Topic expressions: The jury learned something terrible about the suspect.
xsd:string Core  Core 
xsd:string Topic  Topic 
xsd:string Some verbs in this frame may occur with postverbal Topic expressions: They found out about us! More generally verbs in this frame may occur with quantificational nouns followed by Topic expressions: The jury learned something terrible about the suspect.  
Some verbs in this frame may occur with postverbal Topic expressions: They found out about us! More generally verbs in this frame may occur with quantificational nouns followed by Topic expressions: The jury learned something terrible about the suspect. 
xsd:integer 101 
xsd:dateTime 2001-02-07T13:11:54+01:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud