Topic entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

A phenomenon that the Cognizer is considering with respect to their Opinion. Note that this extra-thematic frame element occurs freely with nouns, but only in very restricted contexts with verbs. My opinion about that Tigers' win is that it was completely bogus.
xsd:string Extra-Thematic 
xsd:string Topic  Topic 
xsd:string A phenomenon that the Cognizer is considering with respect to their Opinion. Note that this extra-thematic frame element occurs freely with nouns, but only in very restricted contexts with verbs. My opinion about that Tigers' win is that it was completely bogus.  
A phenomenon that the Cognizer is considering with respect to their Opinion. Note that this extra-thematic frame element occurs freely with nouns, but only in very restricted contexts with verbs. My opinion about that Tigers' win is that it was completely bogus. 
xsd:integer 7872 
xsd:dateTime 2005-04-26T19:54:55+02:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud