Topic entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

An entity, concrete or abstract, or an event that the remembered Mental_content is about. The boy who suffered brain damage when he was hit by a vehicle while walking into school testified Friday he remembers nothing about being hit.
xsd:string Peripheral 
xsd:string Topic  Topic 
xsd:string An entity, concrete or abstract, or an event that the remembered Mental_content is about. The boy who suffered brain damage when he was hit by a vehicle while walking into school testified Friday he remembers nothing about being hit.  
An entity, concrete or abstract, or an event that the remembered Mental_content is about. The boy who suffered brain damage when he was hit by a vehicle while walking into school testified Friday he remembers nothing about being hit. 
xsd:integer 7154 
xsd:dateTime 2004-09-28T13:13:24+02:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud