Assistance entità di tipo: Class

A Helper benefits a Benefited_party by enabling the culmination of a Goal that the Benefited_party has. A Focal_entity that is involved in reaching the Goal may stand in for it. This Frame has unique Frame-to-Frame Relations: it inherits from and uses the Intentionally_act frame. This is atypical of FrameNet's frame relations. Will you help the Government find your brother? Maybe Stephen should assist him with the last manuscript. They helped me psychologically to overcome the physical loss I had suffered. You have helped him tremendously by showing him how to stand up for himself and by being his friend. By bringing assistance to his troops wherever they were in trouble he aided them greatly.
xsd:string A Helper benefits a Benefited_party by enabling the culmination of a Goal that the Benefited_party has. A Focal_entity that is involved in reaching the Goal may stand in for it. Will you help the Government find your brother? Maybe Stephen should assist him with the last manuscript. They helped me psychologically to overcome the physical loss I had suffered. You have helped him tremendously by showing him how to stand up for himself and by being his friend. By bringing assistance to his troops wherever they were in trouble he aided them greatly. 
xsd:string A Helper benefits a Benefited_party by enabling the culmination of a Goal that the Benefited_party has. A Focal_entity that is involved in reaching the Goal may stand in for it. Will you help the Government find your brother? Maybe Stephen should assist him with the last manuscript. They helped me psychologically to overcome the physical loss I had suffered. You have helped him tremendously by showing him how to stand up for himself and by being his friend. By bringing assistance to his troops wherever they were in trouble he aided them greatly. 
A Helper benefits a Benefited_party by enabling the culmination of a Goal that the Benefited_party has. A Focal_entity that is involved in reaching the Goal may stand in for it. This Frame has unique Frame-to-Frame Relations: it inherits from and uses the Intentionally_act frame. This is atypical of FrameNet's frame relations. Will you help the Government find your brother? Maybe Stephen should assist him with the last manuscript. They helped me psychologically to overcome the physical loss I had suffered. You have helped him tremendously by showing him how to stand up for himself and by being his friend. By bringing assistance to his troops wherever they were in trouble he aided them greatly. 
xsd:string Assistance 
xsd:integer 391 
xsd:dateTime 2002-08-05T12:54:11+02:00 
xsd:string sub 

blank nodes

risorse dalla linked data cloud