_:Bbd86b16da26e913057f5bd15523f256e . _:Bbd86b16da26e913057f5bd15523f256e . _:Bbd86b16da26e913057f5bd15523f256e . _:B74e083f95871a8f28edb2e9cf6f769ac . _:B74e083f95871a8f28edb2e9cf6f769ac . _:B74e083f95871a8f28edb2e9cf6f769ac . . . . "A Part is profiled as being a subset or constituent subpart of a Whole. This is in contrast to Inclusion frame, wherein the same relation is seen from the point of view of the Whole."@en . _:B74e083f95871a8f28edb2e9cf6f769ac . . . "A Part is profiled as being a subset or constituent subpart of a Whole. This is in contrast to Inclusion frame, wherein the same relation is seen from the point of view of the Whole."@en . _:Bbd86b16da26e913057f5bd15523f256e . "A Part is profiled as being a subset or constituent subpart of a Whole. This is in contrast to Inclusion frame, wherein the same relation is seen from the point of view of the Whole."^^ . "Being_included" . "Being_included"^^ . . . "2006-11-08T19:44:46+01:00"^^ . "RLG" . . . . . "A Part is profiled as being a subset or constituent subpart of a Whole. This is in contrast to Inclusion frame, wherein the same relation is seen from the point of view of the Whole."^^ . "Being_included" . . . . "1822"^^ . .