Change_of_phase entità di tipo: Class

In this frame a Patient undergoes a change of phase. Note that this frame contrasts with Change_of_consistency in that this frame describes a change of a Patient between different phases (i.e. solid to liquid or frozen to "unfrozen"). The water froze. The rock solidifies from its molten state. The lake froze solid. The lake froze into ice. The lake froze to depths of 30 feet. @en
In this frame a Patient undergoes a change of phase. Note that this frame contrasts with Change_of_consistency in that this frame describes a change of a Patient between different phases (i.e. solid to liquid or frozen to "unfrozen"). The water froze. The rock solidifies from its molten state. The lake froze solid. The lake froze into ice. The lake froze to depths of 30 feet.  @en
xsd:integer 336 
xsd:dateTime 2002-05-31T20:54:16+02:00 

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