Cotheme entità di tipo: Class

This frame contains words that necessarily indicate the motion of two distinct objects. The Theme is typically animate and is expressed the same way a Self-mover is expressed in the Self-motion frame--i.e. as the subject of a target verb. The Cotheme may or may not be animate and is typically expressed as a direct object or an oblique. Source, Path, Goal, and the other frame elements common to motion words also regularly occur with the words in this frame. She accompanied him in the ambulance to Hollywood Memorial Hospital. Police persue teenage joyrider across three counties. My pursuit of academic superiority shows that I was still striving to be the person my parents wanted me to be. @en
xsd:string This frame contains words that necessarily indicate the motion of two distinct objects. The Theme is typically animate and is expressed the same way a Self-mover is expressed in the Self-motion frame--i.e. as the subject of a target verb. The Cotheme may or may not be animate and is typically expressed as a direct object or an oblique. Source, Path, Goal, and the other frame elements common to motion words also regularly occur with the words in this frame.  
xsd:string This frame contains words that necessarily indicate the motion of two distinct objects. The Theme is typically animate and is expressed the same way a Self-mover is expressed in the Self-motion frame--i.e. as the subject of a target verb. The Cotheme may or may not be animate and is typically expressed as a direct object or an oblique. Source, Path, Goal, and the other frame elements common to motion words also regularly occur with the words in this frame.  
This frame contains words that necessarily indicate the motion of two distinct objects. The Theme is typically animate and is expressed the same way a Self-mover is expressed in the Self-motion frame--i.e. as the subject of a target verb. The Cotheme may or may not be animate and is typically expressed as a direct object or an oblique. Source, Path, Goal, and the other frame elements common to motion words also regularly occur with the words in this frame. She accompanied him in the ambulance to Hollywood Memorial Hospital. Police persue teenage joyrider across three counties. My pursuit of academic superiority shows that I was still striving to be the person my parents wanted me to be.  @en
xsd:string Cotheme  Cotheme 
xsd:integer 56 
xsd:dateTime 2001-02-07T13:12:11+01:00 
xsd:string inter 

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