
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/frame/Employment_start entità di tipo: Class

This is a non-perspectivized frame representing the initial stage of the Employment_scenario: the formation of the employment relationship between the Employer and the Employee.
xsd:string This is a non-perspectivized frame representing the initial stage of the Employment_scenario: the formation of the employment relationship between the Employer and the Employee. 
xsd:string This is a non-perspectivized frame representing the initial stage of the Employment_scenario: the formation of the employment relationship between the Employer and the Employee. 
This is a non-perspectivized frame representing the initial stage of the Employment_scenario: the formation of the employment relationship between the Employer and the Employee. 
xsd:string Employment_start 
xsd:integer 870 
xsd:dateTime 2003-10-16T11:20:41+02:00 

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