
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/frame/Exclude_member entità di tipo: Class

A former Member of a Group ceases to be a member as a result of the action of an Authority within the Group. (In directly democratic Groups, the Authority may consist of the Group itself as a voting whole.) The priest excommunicated Henry from the church.
xsd:string A former Member of a Group ceases to be a member as a result of the action of an Authority within the Group. (In directly democratic Groups, the Authority may consist of the Group itself as a voting whole.)  
xsd:string A former Member of a Group ceases to be a member as a result of the action of an Authority within the Group. (In directly democratic Groups, the Authority may consist of the Group itself as a voting whole.)  
A former Member of a Group ceases to be a member as a result of the action of an Authority within the Group. (In directly democratic Groups, the Authority may consist of the Group itself as a voting whole.) The priest excommunicated Henry from the church. 
xsd:string Exclude_member 
xsd:integer 1131 
xsd:dateTime 2004-06-22T12:22:18+02:00 

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