Forgoing entità di tipo: Class

AForgoer decides not to partake in something ordinary that is otherwise Desirable. Chuck often skips lunch. @en
xsd:string AForgoer decides not to partake in something ordinary that is otherwise Desirable. Chuck often skips lunch. 
xsd:string AForgoer decides not to partake in something ordinary that is otherwise Desirable. Chuck often skips lunch. 
AForgoer decides not to partake in something ordinary that is otherwise Desirable. Chuck often skips lunch.  @en
xsd:string Forgoing  Forgoing 
xsd:integer 1304 
xsd:dateTime 2004-12-24T12:52:24+01:00 
xsd:string i+s 

blank nodes

risorse dalla linked data cloud

risorse connesse 1

risorse non online 0

risorse caricate 1

Marks FEs whose fillers denote points in time. @en

seguo le relazioni inverse