
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/frame/Holding_off_on entità di tipo: Class

An Agent decides temporarily not to perform a Desirable_action or not to interact with a Salient_entity. I have actually held off on buying some movies by WB because of those damned cases. We held off on reporting this because, by all accounts, the young Oscar-nominee has NOT been offered the role. This meant waiting with dinner until late. CNI I waited with going to him and in retrospect think that that was a mistake. @en
xsd:string An Agent decides temporarily not to perform a Desirable_action or not to interact with a Salient_entity. I have actually held off on buying some movies by WB because of those damned cases. We held off on reporting this because, by all accounts, the young Oscar-nominee has NOT been offered the role. This meant waiting with dinner until late. CNI I waited with going to him and in retrospect think that that was a mistake. 
xsd:string An Agent decides temporarily not to perform a Desirable_action or not to interact with a Salient_entity. I have actually held off on buying some movies by WB because of those damned cases. We held off on reporting this because, by all accounts, the young Oscar-nominee has NOT been offered the role. This meant waiting with dinner until late. CNI I waited with going to him and in retrospect think that that was a mistake. 
An Agent decides temporarily not to perform a Desirable_action or not to interact with a Salient_entity. I have actually held off on buying some movies by WB because of those damned cases. We held off on reporting this because, by all accounts, the young Oscar-nominee has NOT been offered the role. This meant waiting with dinner until late. CNI I waited with going to him and in retrospect think that that was a mistake.  @en
xsd:string Holding_off_on 
xsd:integer 1576 
xsd:dateTime 2005-07-18T19:21:49+02:00 

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