Lively_place entità di tipo: Class

A Location is characterized by a high amount of (often goal-oriented) Activity, or metonymically, with Individuals who are engaged in the activity. The park was abuzz with people.
xsd:string A Location is characterized by a high amount of (often goal-oriented) Activity, or metonymically, with Individuals who are engaged in the activity. 
xsd:string A Location is characterized by a high amount of (often goal-oriented) Activity, or metonymically, with Individuals who are engaged in the activity. 
A Location is characterized by a high amount of (often goal-oriented) Activity, or metonymically, with Individuals who are engaged in the activity. The park was abuzz with people. 
xsd:string Lively_place 
xsd:integer 1904 
xsd:dateTime 2007-03-26T19:42:24+02:00 
xsd:string sub 

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