
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/frame/Losing_it entità di tipo: Class

An Protagonist goes from a default state of mental and emotional equilibrium into a temporary state of disequilibrium, often a state of anger. A Reason for the change of state may be given. Likewise, Actions that the Experiencer takes as a result of their new emotional state may be expressed. Both Reasons and Actions may be introduced just as coordinated clauses. The lexical units also are frequently accompanied by expressions of an Affected_party. This frame is populated by many lexical units that are based on the emotion-heat/pressure metaphor. Note also that many phrases with equivalent meaning to targets of this frame are compositional, e.g. 'go insane', which we treat as the LU insane.a (of the Mental_property frame) plus the inchoative support go.v. You totally flipped out on our waiter because of the mix-up with the bill.
xsd:string An Protagonist goes from a default state of mental and emotional equilibrium into a temporary state of disequilibrium, often a state of anger. A Reason for the change of state may be given. Likewise, Actions that the Experiencer takes as a result of their new emotional state may be expressed. Both Reasons and Actions may be introduced just as coordinated clauses. The lexical units also are frequently accompanied by expressions of an Affected_party. This frame is populated by many lexical units that are based on the emotion-heat/pressure metaphor. Note also that many phrases with equivalent meaning to targets of this frame are compositional, e.g. 'go insane', which we treat as the LU insane.a (of the Mental_property frame) plus the inchoative support go.v. 
xsd:string An Protagonist goes from a default state of mental and emotional equilibrium into a temporary state of disequilibrium, often a state of anger. A Reason for the change of state may be given. Likewise, Actions that the Experiencer takes as a result of their new emotional state may be expressed. Both Reasons and Actions may be introduced just as coordinated clauses. The lexical units also are frequently accompanied by expressions of an Affected_party. This frame is populated by many lexical units that are based on the emotion-heat/pressure metaphor. Note also that many phrases with equivalent meaning to targets of this frame are compositional, e.g. 'go insane', which we treat as the LU insane.a (of the Mental_property frame) plus the inchoative support go.v. 
An Protagonist goes from a default state of mental and emotional equilibrium into a temporary state of disequilibrium, often a state of anger. A Reason for the change of state may be given. Likewise, Actions that the Experiencer takes as a result of their new emotional state may be expressed. Both Reasons and Actions may be introduced just as coordinated clauses. The lexical units also are frequently accompanied by expressions of an Affected_party. This frame is populated by many lexical units that are based on the emotion-heat/pressure metaphor. Note also that many phrases with equivalent meaning to targets of this frame are compositional, e.g. 'go insane', which we treat as the LU insane.a (of the Mental_property frame) plus the inchoative support go.v. You totally flipped out on our waiter because of the mix-up with the bill. 
xsd:string Losing_it 
xsd:integer 978 
xsd:dateTime 2004-02-23T13:28:57+01:00 

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