Mention entità di tipo: Class

A Communicator or Medium briefly references something in a Message, in which only a subpart of the full content is profiled. The General Secretary mentions some of them in his report. The Queen 's Speech also mentions the importance of making sure that Iraq complies with United Nations resolutions. When Barack Obama's name was mentioned, boos filled the room. CNI
xsd:string A Communicator or Medium briefly references something in a Message, in which only a subpart of the full content is profiled. The General Secretary mentions some of them in his report. The Queen 's Speech also mentions the importance of making sure that Iraq complies with United Nations resolutions. When Barack Obama's name was mentioned, boos filled the room. CNI 
xsd:string A Communicator or Medium briefly references something in a Message, in which only a subpart of the full content is profiled. The General Secretary mentions some of them in his report. The Queen 's Speech also mentions the importance of making sure that Iraq complies with United Nations resolutions. When Barack Obama's name was mentioned, boos filled the room. CNI 
A Communicator or Medium briefly references something in a Message, in which only a subpart of the full content is profiled. The General Secretary mentions some of them in his report. The Queen 's Speech also mentions the importance of making sure that Iraq complies with United Nations resolutions. When Barack Obama's name was mentioned, boos filled the room. CNI 
xsd:string Mention  Mention 
xsd:integer 2080 
xsd:dateTime 2008-06-24T11:15:25+02:00 

blank nodes

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