Military entità di tipo: Class

Some Possessor, either a nation, institution, or private individual, controls a Force whose primary functions to defend the Possessor (or, in the case of an institution or individual, some area of land significant to them) and to carry out offensive actions for the Possessor. The Domain of operation of the Force may be expressed.
xsd:string Some Possessor, either a nation, institution, or private individual, controls a Force whose primary functions to defend the Possessor (or, in the case of an institution or individual, some area of land significant to them) and to carry out offensive actions for the Possessor. The Domain of operation of the Force may be expressed. 
xsd:string Some Possessor, either a nation, institution, or private individual, controls a Force whose primary functions to defend the Possessor (or, in the case of an institution or individual, some area of land significant to them) and to carry out offensive actions for the Possessor. The Domain of operation of the Force may be expressed. 
Some Possessor, either a nation, institution, or private individual, controls a Force whose primary functions to defend the Possessor (or, in the case of an institution or individual, some area of land significant to them) and to carry out offensive actions for the Possessor. The Domain of operation of the Force may be expressed. 
xsd:string Military  Military 
xsd:integer 1514 
xsd:dateTime 2005-06-21T15:51:34+02:00 
xsd:string inter 

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