"2005-06-09T13:06:07+02:00"^^ . _:Bd9b0158bdc99d8b723220e97f32c0168 . "JKR" . _:Bafffe5e71a9a52f1516c6952e7e320cb . . "1493"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Under some, usually implicit, Condition a Duty needs to be fulfilled by a Responsible_party. If the Duty is not performed, there may be some undesirable social Consequence for the Responsible_party. This Consequence may or may not be stated overtly."@en . . . . "Under some, usually implicit, Condition a Duty needs to be fulfilled by a Responsible_party. If the Duty is not performed, there may be some undesirable social Consequence for the Responsible_party. This Consequence may or may not be stated overtly. "^^ . . . . _:Bb05223af4c35336c6e84bff890141ea2 . "Obligation_scenario" . . . "Obligation_scenario"^^ . "Obligation_scenario" . "Under some, usually implicit, Condition a Duty needs to be fulfilled by a Responsible_party. If the Duty is not performed, there may be some undesirable social Consequence for the Responsible_party. This Consequence may or may not be stated overtly. "^^ . . . _:B4a57d755dc7ec2fddd7553bc8f98aec5 . . "Under some, usually implicit, Condition a Duty needs to be fulfilled by a Responsible_party. If the Duty is not performed, there may be some undesirable social Consequence for the Responsible_party. This Consequence may or may not be stated overtly."@en . . . . . . _:Bfd97a975359cc39885fc53abe32efbe4 . _:Bd9b0158bdc99d8b723220e97f32c0168 . _:Bd9b0158bdc99d8b723220e97f32c0168 . _:Bd9b0158bdc99d8b723220e97f32c0168 . _:Bb05223af4c35336c6e84bff890141ea2 . _:Bb05223af4c35336c6e84bff890141ea2 . _:Bb05223af4c35336c6e84bff890141ea2 . _:B4a57d755dc7ec2fddd7553bc8f98aec5 . _:B4a57d755dc7ec2fddd7553bc8f98aec5 . _:B4a57d755dc7ec2fddd7553bc8f98aec5 . _:Bfd97a975359cc39885fc53abe32efbe4 . _:Bfd97a975359cc39885fc53abe32efbe4 . _:Bfd97a975359cc39885fc53abe32efbe4 . _:Bafffe5e71a9a52f1516c6952e7e320cb . _:Bafffe5e71a9a52f1516c6952e7e320cb . _:Bafffe5e71a9a52f1516c6952e7e320cb .