Praiseworthiness entità di tipo: Class

The Behavior of an Evaluee is described in terms of the reaction it deserves from somebody, such as praise, blame or admiration. It was honorable of you to help that person.
xsd:string The Behavior of an Evaluee is described in terms of the reaction it deserves from somebody, such as praise, blame or admiration. 
xsd:string The Behavior of an Evaluee is described in terms of the reaction it deserves from somebody, such as praise, blame or admiration. 
The Behavior of an Evaluee is described in terms of the reaction it deserves from somebody, such as praise, blame or admiration. It was honorable of you to help that person. 
xsd:string Praiseworthiness 
xsd:integer 399 
xsd:dateTime 2002-08-20T12:27:45+02:00 
xsd:string judg 
xsd:string inter 

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