entità di tipo: Class

xsd:string A Preventing_cause or an Agent (via their actions) keeps an Event from taking place. Unlike in the Thwarting frame, the Preventing_cause does not directly prevent the actions of an individual, but rather affects the world in such a way that an Event cannot occur. Some lexical units, like avert and avoid indicate that the Preventing_cause would have been affected if the Event occurred. Rain prevented the ball game from taking place. He could have stopped the riot . The government narrowly averted a coup .  
xsd:string A Preventing_cause or an Agent (via their actions) keeps an Event from taking place. Unlike in the Thwarting frame, the Preventing_cause does not directly prevent the actions of an individual, but rather affects the world in such a way that an Event cannot occur. Some lexical units, like avert and avoid indicate that the Preventing_cause would have been affected if the Event occurred. Rain prevented the ball game from taking place. He could have stopped the riot . The government narrowly averted a coup .  
xsd:string Preventing 

blank nodes

risorse dalla linked data cloud