. . . . . "Progression" . "1340"^^ . . . . . . . . "Progression" . . . . . . . . "2005-03-01T12:58:19+01:00"^^ . . . . . . . . "An Entity changes from a Prior_state to a Post_state in a sequence that follows a pre-defined plan, expectation, or model of change. The change is usually assumed to be an improvement for the Entity. Because this frame is describing change according to some known model of the Entity, the Prior_state and Post_state are backgrounded, and often implicit. Their offensive armament has developed from short range missiles to long-range ballistic weaponry in a relatively short period . The maturation of warhead technology is, perhaps, not far off . Recovery in our major overseas markets has progressed tentatively and increased spending by consumers and government does not appear to be benefiting this Why have we developed economically as we have? This frame is not equivalent to the frame Improvement_or_decline for two reasons. Firstly, Progression implies a smooth or multi-stage change involving several different states of the Entity in an expected sequence, while Improvement_or_decline may be simple or complex, in accord with an expected sequence or not. Secondly, progression along an expected sequence does not necessarily mean that things get better (or worse) for the Entity. This is clear in the case of progression of a disease, since different ailments have very different expected sequenes, with initial onset leading to expected disappearance (for cases like the cold), or to permanent impairment (in the case of Parkinsons), or to death (in many forms of cancer). However, it is more confusing in the very common case of the progress of a biological Entity from birth to death, where this frame often emphasizes the phases of the lifespan where the organism increases in ability, thus reaching a more desirable state. Plans are also spoken of as progressions, and because the expected sequence is towards the goal of the agents that formed the plan, these uses of the progress frame also emphasize improvement."@en . "JKR" . . . . . . . "An Entity changes from a Prior_state to a Post_state in a sequence that follows a pre-defined plan, expectation, or model of change. The change is usually assumed to be an improvement for the Entity. Because this frame is describing change according to some known model of the Entity, the Prior_state and Post_state are backgrounded, and often implicit. Their offensive armament has developed from short range missiles to long-range ballistic weaponry in a relatively short period . The maturation of warhead technology is, perhaps, not far off . Recovery in our major overseas markets has progressed tentatively and increased spending by consumers and government does not appear to be benefiting this Why have we developed economically as we have? This frame is not equivalent to the frame Improvement_or_decline for two reasons. Firstly, Progression implies a smooth or multi-stage change involving several different states of the Entity in an expected sequence, while Improvement_or_decline may be simple or complex, in accord with an expected sequence or not. Secondly, progression along an expected sequence does not necessarily mean that things get better (or worse) for the Entity. This is clear in the case of progression of a disease, since different ailments have very different expected sequenes, with initial onset leading to expected disappearance (for cases like the cold), or to permanent impairment (in the case of Parkinsons), or to death (in many forms of cancer). However, it is more confusing in the very common case of the progress of a biological Entity from birth to death, where this frame often emphasizes the phases of the lifespan where the organism increases in ability, thus reaching a more desirable state. Plans are also spoken of as progressions, and because the expected sequence is towards the goal of the agents that formed the plan, these uses of the progress frame also emphasize improvement."@en . . . . . . . . . . .