Protecting entità di tipo: Class

Some Protection prevents a Danger from harming an Asset. The rubber on her sneakers protected her from the mud. The coral reefs shielded the coastline from the worst of the waves. A growing number of sustainable farmers are preserving agricultural variety and protecting biodiversity by raising ?heritage? or ?heirloom? varieties. The man responsible for this entire ordeal cowardly shielded himself from justice with the little boy's struggling body.
xsd:string Some Protection prevents a Danger from harming an Asset. The rubber on her sneakers protected her from the mud. The coral reefs shielded the coastline from the worst of the waves. A growing number of sustainable farmers are preserving agricultural variety and protecting biodiversity by raising ?heritage? or ?heirloom? varieties. The man responsible for this entire ordeal cowardly shielded himself from justice with the little boy's struggling body. 
xsd:string Some Protection prevents a Danger from harming an Asset. The rubber on her sneakers protected her from the mud. The coral reefs shielded the coastline from the worst of the waves. A growing number of sustainable farmers are preserving agricultural variety and protecting biodiversity by raising ?heritage? or ?heirloom? varieties. The man responsible for this entire ordeal cowardly shielded himself from justice with the little boy's struggling body. 
Some Protection prevents a Danger from harming an Asset. The rubber on her sneakers protected her from the mud. The coral reefs shielded the coastline from the worst of the waves. A growing number of sustainable farmers are preserving agricultural variety and protecting biodiversity by raising ?heritage? or ?heirloom? varieties. The man responsible for this entire ordeal cowardly shielded himself from justice with the little boy's struggling body. 
xsd:string Protecting 
xsd:integer 1631 
xsd:dateTime 2005-10-11T15:02:10+02:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud