"The Reader attends to a Text to process its information. Sometimes a particular kind of Sought_phenomenon is sought in the Text. The metaphor which allows motion verbs plus \"through\" to express reading (e.g. \"went through the text\", \"slogging through the phonebook\", \"sped through the dialogue passages\") is considered to be productive, and thus should be annotated in the Motion frames. The metaphor applies most productively to motion verbs that do not specify motor program and either specify no manner information at all (e.g. \"go\") or only specify the manner of motion in terms of difficulty and/or speed (\"slog\", \"speed\"), although other verbs with specific information (\"saunter\", \"swim\") may occur in more colorful usage. I read A Tale of Two Cities last night."@en . . . . . . . "Reading_perception" . . . . "MJE" . . . . "Reading_perception" . "279"^^ . . "2002-03-01T10:50:55+01:00"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "The Reader attends to a Text to process its information. Sometimes a particular kind of Sought_phenomenon is sought in the Text. The metaphor which allows motion verbs plus \"through\" to express reading (e.g. \"went through the text\", \"slogging through the phonebook\", \"sped through the dialogue passages\") is considered to be productive, and thus should be annotated in the Motion frames. The metaphor applies most productively to motion verbs that do not specify motor program and either specify no manner information at all (e.g. \"go\") or only specify the manner of motion in terms of difficulty and/or speed (\"slog\", \"speed\"), although other verbs with specific information (\"saunter\", \"swim\") may occur in more colorful usage. I read A Tale of Two Cities last night."@en . . . . .