Simultaneity entità di tipo: Class

Two Events happen at the same time. This may either be construed symmetrically as a relation holding between the Events, or asymmetrically as holding between a Landmark_event whose known occurrence is used to describe when a Profiled_event took place. These events coincided.
xsd:string Two Events happen at the same time. This may either be construed symmetrically as a relation holding between the Events, or asymmetrically as holding between a Landmark_event whose known occurrence is used to describe when a Profiled_event took place. 
xsd:string Two Events happen at the same time. This may either be construed symmetrically as a relation holding between the Events, or asymmetrically as holding between a Landmark_event whose known occurrence is used to describe when a Profiled_event took place. 
Two Events happen at the same time. This may either be construed symmetrically as a relation holding between the Events, or asymmetrically as holding between a Landmark_event whose known occurrence is used to describe when a Profiled_event took place. These events coincided. 
xsd:string Simultaneity 
xsd:integer 1897 
xsd:dateTime 2007-03-23T19:36:55+01:00 
xsd:string ?rel 
xsd:string sub 

blank nodes

risorse dalla linked data cloud