Statement entità di tipo: Class

This frame contains verbs and nouns that communicate the act of a Speaker to address a Message to some Addressee using language. Instead of (or in addition to) a Speaker, a Medium may also be mentioned. Likewise, a Topic may be stated instead of a Message. A number of the words can be used performatively, such as declare and insist. I now declare you members of this Society. She said that I would be late . The announcement about raffle winners came across the loudspeaker.
This frame contains verbs and nouns that communicate the act of a Speaker to address a Message to some Addressee using language. Instead of (or in addition to) a Speaker, a Medium may also be mentioned. Likewise, a Topic may be stated instead of a Message. A number of the words can be used performatively, such as declare and insist. I now declare you members of this Society. She said that I would be late . The announcement about raffle winners came across the loudspeaker. 
xsd:integer 43 
xsd:dateTime 2001-02-07T13:12:04+01:00 

blank nodes

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