
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/lu/lose.v <https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/tbox/LexUnit>

xsd:string lose.v  lose.v 
xsd:string fn15schema: complete a game with an unfavorable outcome 
xsd:string COD: fail to win. 
xsd:string COD: earn less (money) than one is spending. 
xsd:string fn15schema: fail to keep sight of (something) 
xsd:string fn15schema: to cease to possess (something) 
xsd:string fn15schema: to decrease in quantity 
xsd:string fn15schema: to evade the vision of (someone) 
xsd:string COD: be deprived of (a relative or friend) through death 

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