make <>

xsd:string make.v  make.v 
xsd:string fn15schema: produce a meal or a component of a meal 
xsd:string COD: form by putting parts together or combining substances, or cause to exist or come about; bring about or perform. 
xsd:string COD: 
xsd:string COD: gain or earn (money or profit). 
xsd:string fn15schema: form by putting parts together (cf. COD: form by putting parts together or combining substances) 
xsd:string COD: prepare to go in a particular direction or do a particular thing 
xsd:string fn15schema: form by putting parts together or combining substances. 
xsd:string COD: manage to arrive at (a place) or catch (a train or other transport). 
xsd:string COD: cause to exist or come about; bring about or perform 

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