Body_of_water entità di tipo: Class

Labels LU's which designate bodies of water. The limits of a body of water are defined in terms of the land that borders the water. Equivlent to WN Body of water. (Appropriate for LU's in Locale frame and its descendants.)
xsd:string Labels LU's which designate bodies of water. The limits of a body of water are defined in terms of the land that borders the water. Equivlent to WN Body of water. (Appropriate for LU's in Locale frame and its descendants.) 
Labels LU's which designate bodies of water. The limits of a body of water are defined in terms of the land that borders the water. Equivlent to WN Body of water. (Appropriate for LU's in Locale frame and its descendants.) 
xsd:string Body_of_water 

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