entità di tipo: ObjectProperty
We record the especially close and fairly systematic non-inheritance relationships between stative frames and the inchoative and causative frames which refer to them using the frame-to-frame relations Causative of and Inchoative of. Consider the following frames: Position on a scale, Change position on a scale, and Cause change of scalar position. The following sentences illustrate the kind distinction captured in these frames:
(1) [Cause change of scalar position] (raise.v) Billie Blount raised taxes on farmers 18 times in 2002!
(2) [Change position on a scale] (rise.v) During the Elizabethan age, there was an increased em- phasis on genealogy in the heralds’ work as the gentry class rose in importance.
(3) [Position on a scale] (high.a) Most fish from lakes is too high in mercury.
Frames which participate in these relations as Causatives should inherit from the Transitive action frame, Inchoatives should inherit from Event, and States from State or Gradable attribute.6 Many of these inheri- tance relations have not yet been made.