
https://w3id.org/framester/wn/wn30/instances/synset-Epidendrum-noun-1 <https://w3id.org/framester/wn/wn30/schema/NounSynset>

xsd:string Epidendrum 
xsd:string 12061849-n 
Epidendrum  @en-us
genus Epidendrum  @en-us
108369135  @en-us
111314909  @en-us
large and variable genus of terrestrial or epiphytic or lithophytic orchids of tropical and subtropical Americas; some native to United States  @en-us
xsd:string 112061849 
large and variable genus of terrestrial or epiphytic or lithophytic orchids of tropical and subtropical Americas; some native to United States  @en-us

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