Pashto <>

xsd:float 0.125 
xsd:float 0.125 
xsd:float 0.125 
xsd:float 0.125 
xsd:float 0.125 
xsd:float 0.125 
xsd:float 0.125 
xsd:float 0.125 
xsd:string Pashto 
xsd:string 06975132-n 
Afghani  @en-us
Afghan  @en-us
Pashto  @en-us
Pashtu  @en-us
Paxto  @en-us
105230404  @en-us
106548579  @en-us
an Iranian language spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan; the official language of Afghanistan  @en-us
xsd:string 106975132 
an Iranian language spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan; the official language of Afghanistan  @en-us

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