
https://w3id.org/framester/wn/wn30/instances/synset-handle-noun-1 <https://w3id.org/framester/wn/wn30/schema/NounSynset>

xsd:string handle 
xsd:string 03485997-n 
grip  @en-us
handle  @en-us
hold  @en-us
handgrip  @en-us
102792702  @en-us
103357984  @en-us
the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it; "he grabbed the hammer by the handle"; "it was an old briefcase but it still had a good grip"  @en-us
xsd:string 103485997 
the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it; "he grabbed the hammer by the handle"; "it was an old briefcase but it still had a good grip"  @en-us

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