
https://w3id.org/framester/wn/wn30/instances/synset-opera-noun-1 <https://w3id.org/framester/wn/wn30/schema/NounSynset>

xsd:float 0.0372552 
xsd:float 0.219135 
xsd:float 0.0246448 
xsd:float 0.0619987 
xsd:float 0.256352 
xsd:float 0.21837 
xsd:float 0.134378 
xsd:float 0.0478659 
xsd:string opera 
xsd:string 07026352-n 
opera  @en-us
105268918  @en-us
106596364  @en-us
a drama set to music; consists of singing with orchestral accompaniment and an orchestral overture and interludes  @en-us
xsd:string 107026352 
a drama set to music; consists of singing with orchestral accompaniment and an orchestral overture and interludes  @en-us

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