probably <>

xsd:float 0.0897046 
xsd:float 0.162218 
xsd:float 0.0927607 
xsd:float 0.132192 
xsd:float 0.128744 
xsd:float 0.133252 
xsd:float 0.163012 
xsd:float 0.0981166 
xsd:string probably 
xsd:string 00138611-r 
likely  @en-us
probably  @en-us
belike  @en-us
in all likelihood  @en-us
in all probability  @en-us
400134549  @en-us
400140407  @en-us
with considerable certainty; without much doubt; "He is probably out of the country"; "in all likelihood we are headed for war"  @en-us
xsd:string 400138611 

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