vanda <>

xsd:float NAN 
xsd:float 0.0321742 
xsd:float 0.00617682 
xsd:float 0.0570298 
xsd:float 0.606621 
xsd:float 0.157964 
xsd:float 0.0768466 
xsd:float 0.063188 
xsd:string vanda 
xsd:string 12086012-n 
vanda  @en-us
108393242  @en-us
111339056  @en-us
any of numerous showy orchids of the genus Vanda having many large flowers in loose racemes  @en-us
xsd:string 112086012 
any of numerous showy orchids of the genus Vanda having many large flowers in loose racemes  @en-us

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