Being_included entità di tipo: Class

A Part is profiled as being a subset or constituent subpart of a Whole. This is in contrast to Inclusion frame, wherein the same relation is seen from the point of view of the Whole.
xsd:string A Part is profiled as being a subset or constituent subpart of a Whole. This is in contrast to Inclusion frame, wherein the same relation is seen from the point of view of the Whole. 
xsd:string A Part is profiled as being a subset or constituent subpart of a Whole. This is in contrast to Inclusion frame, wherein the same relation is seen from the point of view of the Whole. 
A Part is profiled as being a subset or constituent subpart of a Whole. This is in contrast to Inclusion frame, wherein the same relation is seen from the point of view of the Whole. 
xsd:string Being_included 
xsd:integer 1822 
xsd:dateTime 2006-11-08T19:44:46+01:00 

blank nodes

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